- 性
- 性别认同
- 性取向
- 比赛
- 种族
- 宗教
- 灵性
- 能力状态
- Protected Veteran Status
- Any other part of your identity
- 性骚扰
- 性侵犯
- 不正当的性行为
- Interpersonal/Dating Violence
- 跟踪
- Pregnancy, Nursing, and Parenting Discrimination
Protection for Pregnant, Nursing, and Parenting Status:
第九条 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, including on the basis of pregnancy and parenting status. 由于怀孕和养育子女的需要,学院必须提供合理的住宿, including excused absences, changes in the work environment, or alternative participation options. 如果您觉得没有提供合理的住宿,请通过以下方式与OC关怀联系:
cares@fangchengschool.com | 432-335-6865 | 140 in the Spur Building
“第九条 and 性 Discrimination.” US Department of Education (ED). www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/tix_dis.html.
“性骚扰.” US Department of Education (ED). www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/frontpage/pro-students/issues/sex-issue01.html.
“What Is 性-Based Harassment?” 性 Discrimination, US Department of Education (ED). www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/frontpage/faq/sex.html # sexhar1.
“Know Your Rights: Pregnant or Parenting? 第九条 Protects You From Discrimination At School.” US Department of Education (ED). www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/dcl-know-rights-201306-title-ix.html.
欧亚体育 第九条 Policies
FFDA当地 -免受歧视、骚扰和报复的自由:性和性暴力(学生)FFDB当地 – freedom from discrimination, 骚扰, and retaliation: other protected characteristics (students)
DIAA当地 -不受歧视、骚扰和报复:性和性暴力(雇员)
新地方 – freedom from discrimination, 骚扰, and retaliation: other protected characteristics (employees)
欧亚体育 Grievance and Complaint Policies
盛名的地方 – student rights and responsibilities: student complaintsDGBA当地 – personnel-management relations: employee grievances
Unresolved Conflict/Complaint Form
第九章| 9月22日, 2021 – 最近的立法, SB212, 需要 所有员工 (包括教职员工)在公立或私立专上教育机构工作 promptly report any knowledge of any incidents 性侵犯, 性骚扰, 约会暴力, 或者“跟踪”是由或针对事件发生时该机构的学生或雇员犯下的."
SB212已经 对违法违规行为给予严厉的刑事和行政处罚. 员工 不报告性侵犯事件可被指控为B级轻罪并被终止. If the person intentionally tries to cover up the incident, they could also face a Class A misdemeanor 负责. 此外, 该学院还可能因未能遵守该法案的要求而面临纪律处分,并可能招致高达200万美元的罚款.
员工 who make a report, or assist in an investigation of a report, are protected under the legislation. 在要求举报性骚扰方面,该法案只有两个例外, 性侵犯, 约会暴力 or stalking:
- if you are the victim of 性骚扰, 性侵犯, 约会暴力 or stalking; or
- 如果披露是在由学院或学院附属学生组织赞助的公众意识活动中进行的.
请使用 不正当的性行为 link on the bottom of our home page to report all information 关于事件. 记者必须提供所有可能与调查有关的资料. 记者没有义务辨别该事件属于哪一类.
Thank you in advance for your immediate support and cooperation. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact Kim McKay - kmckay@fangchengschool.com. 欧亚体育都有责任确保这个校园和欧亚体育的扩展中心是安全的居住场所, 学习, 工作和娱乐.
- 一件事对你的学业、就业或学生参与产生了负面影响.
- You have concerns about your safety or the safety of others.
- 你需要帮助和支持,但你不想透露细节或名字.
- 您想要一个禁止联系令来禁止您和另一方之间的通信.
- 你希望学院采取行动调查此事.
- Academic accommodations (revising schedule, transitioning to remote 学习ing, rescheduling due dates for assignment or exam)
- Access to medical and mental health services, including counseling
- Change in campus housing and/or dining
- 在调查结果出来之前,不联系指令(双方没有口头通知), 电子, 写, or third party communication with one another)
- 提供校园护送,确保您可以安全地在学校课程和活动之间移动;
- 协助确定一个倡导者,以帮助确保额外的资源或援助,包括校外和社区宣传, 支援及服务.
kmckay@fangchengschool.com | 432-335-6683 | Administration Building Room 214
- 第九条 Revisions with Dr. 苏珊•施特劳斯 – Certified
- 第九条“最终规则.S. 教育部民权办公室(OCR)高等教育和K-12教育的新任务. 苏珊•施特劳斯
本课程中提供的信息和材料仅用于教育目的,不作为法律建议. 与会者应就所提出的问题寻求独立的法律意见.
欧亚体育 员工 can login to their custom 高等教育工程 online training account to access the following 第九条 Trainings:
- 第九条:保护学生和学校员工免受性骚扰(一般意识)
- 第九章:协调员、调查人员和决策者的补充信息
- All Team Coffee and Conversation: 第九条 Training